Vegetable soup

In the winter time soups are my favorite dish. This vegetable soup I cook once a week, particularly when I need to "clean" the fridge. All the vegetables as carrots, celery, fennel, leek loose, after some days in the fridge, their freshness but they will still develop a delicious taste in the chicken stock. You can vary the soup with vegetables in season, potatoes, lentils, herbs, spices and for obtaining more taste with onion and garlic sauteed in oil or butter. You can eat it as is or mix it together with a spoon of creme fraiche in order to obtain a creamy consistency. As we had yesterday night a substantial dinner I cooked the soup for the lunch today. I also found in the fridge some leftover mushrooms which I first fried in butter before combining them with the soup. Finally I decorated the soup with a slice of fried bacon and chopped persil and served with homemade bread. You can cook a large portion of the soup and store it in the fridge for those days you come home hungry and without inspiration. You just need to heat it up. It is again very healthy and.... cheap dish.


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