Our 23rd Anniversary

Today, it is exactly 23years I met my husband, when we both were on a business trip in Kuwait. I was married at that time and it was a hard decision. However, the choice I made was probably one of the most important in my life. I met a person who is not only my husband but also my best friend. So to celebrate our happy life I cooked a dinner for us two, no wine, just healthy dinner. I always think about the colors, the proportion of cooked vs raw vegetables and little of a healthy protein when I compose the dish. I found that combining cooked lentils with home cooked tomato sauce creates a great dish itself. Today I added also steamed asparagus to the dish and "decorated" it with a grilled gambas.
This is a variation of starter I presented earlier, I just added red melon and dipped the goat cheese in chopped pine nuts mixed with crushed rose pepper.


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