Slow Cooking

A perfect way how to cook a dinner without spending a lot of time on it. I am using the leg of turkey but you can also use legs of chicken or duck. I am not a fan of red meat and my repertoire of recipes in this area is shrinking but you could use lamb leg as well. The important ingredient is fresh rosemary. I am lucky as I am surrounded by rosemary bushes in our garden but fresh rosemary is now available in all supermarkets year round. The advantage of rosemary besides that it is a very healthy herb with anti-inflamantory properties, is the smell. By having the steak in the oven on low temperature for 3 hours the kitchen smells heavenly. I usually cook this way in the winter and when I am busy with other things as this dish needs very little of your attention.
  1. Heat the oven into 140°C
  2. Mix together olive oil, paprika powder, chopped rosemary, crushed garlic.
  3. Season the meat with salt and pepper.
  4. Rub the meat with the mixture of oil, paprika, rosemary and garlic
  5. Place the meat into an ovenproof dish together with lemon(optional), garlic and additional rosemary and little water alternatively white whine.
  6. Place in the oven and leave for 3 hours (Lamb leg 4-5hours, chicken legs 2hours). After half time  you can add peeled small potatoes rubbed with oil and little salt.
  7. Check occasionally if there is enough liquid and pour over a little water or white wine when dry.
  8. In the end increase the heat to 220°C, add little water and roast for additional 15 min or until the skin becomes crispy.
I will serve it today with few potatoes and a large bowl of salad. It is also delicious with cooked red cabbage..if you have time.


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