Friday: Salmon

The beautiful November weather makes it tempting to stay outdoor as much as possible. Therefore I was hiking this afternoon again, the third day in row and third time 15 km....and now in need to heal my muscles. Therefore the dinner must be simple, a pan fried salmon with sugar peas and mango salad and a few chips from sweet potato. The mango was ripe and served instead of a sauce. The preparation is very simple although it looks that you spent some time on it......
  1. Cut the sweet potatoes in chips and cook with oil on medium heat for 10 min or make them in owen at 200°C  until golden. Season with salt.
  2. Season the salmon with salt and pepper and pan fry it in little oil.
  3. Shred the mango
  4. Shred the sugar peas and cook them in boiling water for 3-4min.
Sweet potatoes are healthier than classic potatoes and therefore given favorites in my kitchen.


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